Introduction to Layer Editor

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The Layer Editor contains all your layers and layer tools. 

You can add‍, delete‍, rearrange‍, group‍, and even hide‍ layers. 

There are blending modes‍, opacity controls‍, transparency lock‍ toggles, and clipping masks‍, plus typical editing tools‍ and a default background layer‍ that can be hidden to create an alpha channel‍ or used to set the over-all background color of your image. 

Background layer

The Background layer is at the bottom of the Layer Editor. When hidden (tap Hiding a layer group icon to hide it), this creates an alpha channel‍. The Background layer can also be used to change the background color‍ of your image.

The Layer Editor in Sketchbook Pro for desktop

You will need to open the editor to access the layers and layer tools. There are two ways to do this:

  • From the menu bar, select Window > Layer Editor.
  • From the toolbar, tap LayersIcon_Handheld_4.jpg.

Layer Editor Window

Layer Editor from Sketchbook labelled

The Layer Editor in Sketchbook for mobile devices

To open the editor:

If you are on a tablet, the Layer Editor is visible by default, along the right of your screen. If you're on a handheld device, tap Layer icon on mobile to access the Layer Editor.
Layer Editor from Sketchbook mobile version 4.0 or above Sketchbook mobile Layer Editor  labeled
  1. Tap to access the Color Editor
  2. Color Palette‍ 
  3. Tap to switch to the Layer Editor
  4. Tap to switch to the Color Palette
  5. Background layer‍ 
  6. Current active layer
  7. Lock layer‍ 
  8. Show/hide layer content
  9. Add layer‍