Flipping and Mirroring Layers

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Do you need to flip a layer vertically or horizontally? If so, check out these instructions

Original Image Tool Used Result
Original image Mirror Layer or **Flip Horizontal** Layer mirrored
Original image Flip Layer Vertically or **Flip Vertical** Flip Layer Vertically

Flipping Vertically on desktop

  1. Select the layer you want to flip.
  2. In the menubar, select Image > Flip Layer Vertically.

Flipping Horizontally on desktop

  1. Select the layer you want to flip.
  2. In the menubar, select Image > Mirror Layer.

Flipping Vertically on mobile

  1. Select the layer you want to flip.
  2. In the toolbar, tap Transform and then **Flip Vertical**.

Flipping Horizontally on mobile

  1. Select the layer you want to flip.
  2. In the toolbar, tap Transform and **Flip Horizontal**.