Using the Color Picker

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The Color Picker (you might also know it as the eyedropper or magnifying glass) is a tool for selecting color.


Using the Color Picker in Sketchbook Pro for desktop

There are three ways to access the Color Picker Color Picker, from the  Color Puck, Color Editor, or with the hotkeys Alt or  (for Win or Mac).


From the Color Puck

  1. Tap the middle of the Color Puck to activate it
  2. Tap Color Picker.
  3. Drag it over a color. The middle of the puck changes, displaying the current color.
  4. Click on the color you want to capture it.


From the Color Editor

  1. In the Color Editor, tap the Color Picker Color Picker.
  2. Drag it over a color. The middle of the puck changes, displaying the current color.
  3. Click on the color you want to capture it.



Using the Color Picker in Sketchbook for mobile devices

There are few ways to access the Color Picker.

  1. Do either of the following:
    • Tap and hold on the screen until the cursor changes to Color Picker.
    • In the Color Editor, tap Color Picker The cursor changes to Color Picker.
  2. Tap-drag the Color Picker Color Picker over a color to select it.

You can enable or disable Tap-hold for the color picker in preferences.‍ 

Using the marking menu

  1. Tap  and select Color Picker to quickly access the Color Picker.

    Radial menu

    A magnifying glass (Color Picker appears in the center of your canvas.

  2. Tap-drag it over a color. As the cross-hairs in the center of it move over a color, you’ll notice the color of the outer ring change to that color. When the outer ring is the color you want, lift your finger.