No pressure sensitivity (Windows)

If you just installed Sketchbook Pro or just got a new drawing tablet and are not getting pressure sensitivity or have issues with pen pressure registering correctly in Sketchbook Pro:

  1. Make sure Windows Ink is enabled on your PC, and also in your tablet's driver.  
    Sketchbook Pro on Windows requires Windows Ink for pressure sensitivity. 
  2. If Windows Ink is enabled but you still have no pressure sensitivity 
  • launch Sketchbook Pro and go to Edit > Preferences. 
  • Tap the Brush tab, and in the Tablet API section change the radio button from Windows Pointer to Wintab
  • Restart Sketchbook Pro and check to see if pressure sensitivity works correctly


If you're still having issues after trying the above steps, please reach out to us at for further help. 

It will speed up the help process if you can let us know your PC make/model, your peripheral drawing tablet make/model, the tablet's driver version, and any steps you've already tried.



Additional troubleshooting steps for Huion device owners

If the above steps don't work and you are using a Huion device, it could be because your system was originally set up with a different Wintab library that doesn't work with your current tablet (such as if Wintab was installed on your system with a previous Wacom driver).

To repair, follow these steps in the HuionTablet App:

Open HuionTablet app and click Settings > "About" tab, then "Software Diagnosis."


In the pop-up window, click "Repair" beside the "Wintab32" protocol. The Wintab32 protocol should have the same values as in the screenshot below:


NOTE: If you have a 2-in-1 touchscreen laptop that requires Windows Ink, this will unfortunately not work for both the Huion tablet and your laptop touchscreen.